T1 - T-Cube VR - By Team Template

T-Cube VR is the first official Template. Created by Team Template, it is a generative VR Art (VRT) experience. One color palette is selected out of a possible twelve (Mixed, Neon City, Retro, Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Gold, Moonlight, Hornet, Kryptonite, Matrix), based on a pre-determined seed. Some palettes are rarer than others.

Mixed - Common
30.18 %

Neon City - Uncommon
14.86 %

Retro - Uncommon
14.79 %

Earth - Rare
7.60 %

Air - Rare
7.12 %

Fire - Rare
7.06 %

Water - Rare
6.57 %

Gold - Super Rare
4.93 %

Kryptonite - Ultra Rare
2.00 %

Hornet - Ultra Rare
1.83 %

Moonlight - Ultra Rare
1.79 %

Matrix - Legendary
0.97 %